Passage | Date | Play |
Exodus 27 The Altar, the Court, and the Oil |
Exodus 26 The Tabernacle and The Veil |
Exodus 25 The Ark, the Table, and the Lamp |
Exodus 23:10-24:18 The Book of the Covenant |
Exodus 22:1-23:9 Restitution and Respect |
Exodus 21 The Judgments of the LORD |
Exodus 20 Prepare to Hear from God |
Exodus 19 Prepare to Hear from God |
Exodus 18 Jethro's Wise Counsel |
Exodus 17 Thirst and Warfare |
Exodus 16 Bread from Heaven |
Exodus 15 A Context for Worship |
Exodus 14 The Red Sea |
Exodus 13 Remember This Day |
Exodus 12 The LORD's Passover |
Exodus 10-11 Locusts and Darkness |
Exodus 8:21-9:35 Flies, Pestilence, Boils, and Hail |
Exodus 7:1-8:19 Blood, Frogs, and Lice |
Exodus 5-6 Now you shall see what I will do |
Exodus 4 I will be with your mouth |
Exodus 3 The Calling of God |
Exodus 2 God Raised up a Deliverer |
Exodus 1 The Bitterness of Bondage |